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aluNID®, the ideal support for industrial cutting machinery


aluNIDr, the ideal support for industrial cutting machinery

The aluminum honeycomb core aluNID ®, a key component in industrial applications

The aluminum honeycomb core aluNID ® is incombustible, ultra-resistant and lightweight, which makes it the ideal support for the new industrial machinery for laser cutting or water jetting, among other applications.

aluNID ® supplies aluminum honeycomb core in any thickness and dimension, tailored for the cutting-edge cutting machinery, with record delivery times in the market.

aluNID ®, high quality and state-of-the-art innovation.

aluNID ®, new official sponsor of Forze H2 Delft Team


aluNIDr, new official sponsor of Forze H2 Delft Team

aluNID ®, aluminum honeycomb core, is part of the new Forze VIII car


aluNID ®, aluminum honeycomb core, sponsors the 50 students that make up the talented team of the Technological University of Delft, Netherlands. Forze Team has been building cars powered by hydrogen for eleven years. The mission of this dreamteam is to promote the use of this clean fuel in racing, and they are responsible for the construction of the first hydrogen-powered racing car worldwide.

Since 2007, the achievements of Forze have been numerous, such as the construction of the fastest hydrogen racing car in the world. In August of 2017, during the Supercar Challenge, the last race car manufactured by Forze out of the eight that they made achieved the third fastest time per lap.

This year, in line with its firm commitment to innovation, aluNID ® ,aluminum honeycomb core, sponsors the Forze team, becoming one of the main components of the new Forze VIII chassis, which will run in the most prestigious races of Europe.

 aluNID®, high quality at the service of innovation.

New aluNID® honeycomb for marble and mosaics


New aluNIDr honeycomb for marble and mosaics

aluNID® has developed an aluminium honeycomb core according to the most demanding specifications in building sector.

Non-combustible, light and recyclable, it is tailored specifically for marble panels e and semi-precious stones, mosaics.

Aluminium composite panels made with aluNID® allow to reduce the thickness of the marble and obtain lighter floors and coatings, but equally resistant.

aluNID® supplies aluminium honeycomb core in any thickness and dimension that our customers need, with record delivery times in the market.

aluNID®, high quality and cutting-edge innovation.

aluNID ®, the best honeycomb core for CleanRooms


aluNIDr, the best honeycomb core for CleanRooms

CleanRooms are spaces specially designed to obtain low levels of contamination such as laboratories for chemical, pharmaceutical, mechanical or optoelectronic research, among others, which require strictly controlled environmental and cleaning parameters.

For these demanding spaces, aluNID® has developed a honeycomb core made of non-combustible aluminium and manufactured to measure, which reduces the presence of microparticles, environmental contaminants and microbes, satisfying the technical requirements for use in walls, doors, floors and ceilings of CleanRooms.

Available in any thickness and dimensions and with record delivery times, aluNID ® is also 100% respectful with the environment, so it claims the creation of this type of pure and clean environments.

aluNID®, innovation, efficiency and cutting-edge quality.

A new saw for aluNID®, more capacity, more quality


A new saw for aluNIDr, more capacity, more quality

aluNID® has a new saw for cutting stage of aluminum honeycomb blocks since last month, December, increasing its efficiency and productive capacity.

With a wide and modern factory in Linares as well as a great professional team, all companie is focused on a continuous improvement of processes and customer service. This new saw also allows to increase the quality of aluminum honeycomb aluNID®, especially in cutting tolerances, getting the best quality and productivity of honeycomb market.

aluNID®to become part of Hyperloop Pod Competition


aluNIDr to become part of Hyperloop Pod Competition

aluNID® has become to a collaboration agreement with Valencia’s Polytechnic University to build an Hyperloop,that is currently being developed in USA. It is a mode of passenger and freight transportation that would propel a pod-like vehicle through a reduced-pressure tube that could potentially exceed airliner speeds. This high speed transport offers protection from weather conditions, safe from collisions, low consumption and  accumulation of energy. For example, Hyperloop may connect Madrid with Tangier in only 42 min, reaching a speed of 1200 km/h. It’s a new and unique way of transportation.

Valencia’s University has been one of the 300 classified all over the world to take part of Hyperloop’s Pod Competition by SpaceX, where they are manufacturing a prototype that will be exhibited by the end of August in California, with the American Purdue University. The high qualities of our aluminium honeycomb core, its stiffness and lightness makes aluNID perfect for the manufacture of the first Spanish Hyperloop’s chassis, that will be shown in California.

aluNID® will be in Formula Student Europe 2017


aluNIDrwill be in Formula Student Europe 2017

aluNID® has come to an agreement with UC3M Formula Student team (Carlos III Madrid) to become one of its sponsors for Formula Student Europe 2017.

Formula student® is a worldwide competition born in the USA by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) there, each team design and manufacture a car that must be exposed to a high technical expert’s jury.

The main reason of this competition is to promote investigation through enginery students, to show off their creativity and knowledge, designing a trustful and competitive prototype. Each year many universities decide to participate in Formula Student, defending their design and going into competition with other teams in well-known circuits such as Silverstone (UK), Hockenheim (Germany) and Montmeló (Spain).

UC3M Formula team will be this year in two competitions: Formula Student Spain, in Barcelona-Catalunya Circuit y Formula Student Germany, celebrated Hockenheimring circuit. The last one has become a truly exhibition of engineering knowledge and a reference in the university world in a high level.

aluNID® has design an expanded honeycomb core that will be used aa impact attenuator and that will be placed in the front of the vehicle.

aluNID® doubles its productive capacity


aluNIDr doubles its productive capacity

The consumption of aluNID ® aluminum honeycomb has grown tremendously over the last few years. Thanks to the high performance of the product, aluNID ® is increasingly demanded.

That´s the reason why, in order to improve our costumer´s service, we have invested in a new press that offers better delivery times for the growing demand..

With this new acquisition, the production capacity of aluNID ® is doubled, improving and optimizing all production times, always with the prospect of maximum quality.

In aluNID ® we always work for a constant improvement, investing in new machinery for a better product quality and being able to offer the best solutions to our customers.

aluNID® sponsor of the ARUS Team for Formula Student Europe 2017


aluNIDr sponsor of the ARUS Team for Formula Student Europe 2017

aluNID ® has reached an agreement with the Arus Team at the University of Seville to be one of its main sponsors for Formula Student Europe 2017.

aluNID ® has designed an expanded honeycomb core material that will act as impact attenuator located in the front of the vehicle. The piece has already undergone numerous, rigorous tests including both dynamic and static tests that test the reliability of aluNID ®.

The team has already competed in Formula Student Austria and Formula Student Germany – the two most prestigious competitions in Europe which are the most demanding ones for participant teams. Those done in Austria are especially demanding and we have the honour to communicate that the Arus Team is the only Spanish combustion team that will participate in this prestigious event. With regard to the German test, the Arus team was the sixth fastest team in the world in a test in which more than 200 universities.

aluNID ®, success in Advanced Engineering 2016


aluNIDr, success in Advanced Engineering 2016

At the beginning of November was held Advanced Engineering 2016, the most important Expo of composite sector in United Kingdom that took place in Birmingham.

aluNID ® was there in the Expo with a huge success between the visitors, thanks to its incredible benefits and the state-of-the-art technology. For this occasion, technical and commercial team attended the Expo to give assistance to all the professionals that visited the stand. Alongside aluNID ® team there were inviting expositors with a wide range of finishes that make aluNID ® a unique material with unlimited applications for multiple sectors.

The aluNID ® team gives great thanks to all the visitors for the big interest showed, especially to all its customers and partners.