
aluNID Aluminium
Honeycomb Core
For Building, Marine, Railway and Industrial Applications





High Tech Aluminium Honeycomb

aluNID ® is the honeycomb core of high quality aluminum developed by ALUCOAT. Thanks to its unique production process, aluNID ® has the following properties:

  • Light
  • Resistant
  • Incombustible
  • Recyclable
  • An electrical and thermal conductor
  • Extremely flat
  • Corrosion resistant

aluNID® featured on El Hormiguero with the ARUS Formula Student Team from Seville

News aluNID® featured on El Hormiguero with the ARUS Formula Student Team from Seville aluNID®, a leading brand in the aluminium honeycomb market, regularly collaborates with Formula Student teams from universities worldwide. This prestigious motorsport competition for university students promotes engineering excellence, challenging each team to design and build a single-seater race car to compete [...]

ALUCOAT in its commitment to the SDGs, obtains ISO 45001 occupational health and safety

News ALUCOAT in its commitment to the SDGs, obtains ISO 45001 occupational health and safety ISO standards (standards of the International Organization for Standardization) are a fundamental pillar on which sustainable development is based, which certify compliance with certain environmental standards, safety and energy efficiency among others. ISO certifications and the Sustainable Development Goals set [...]

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