
La Direzione di ALUCOAT considera il sistema di Gestione della Qualita’ (SGC), la Politica Ambiente (SGA) ed Energia (SGEn) come uno dei pilastri fondamentali per il successo imprenditoriale di ALUCOAT. Inoltre, e’ un riferimento per l’istituzione e revisione degli obiettivi, ed essere in ogni momento preparati allo scopo ed al contesto di Alucoat ed appoggiando la sua direzione strategica.
I requisiti del Sistema integrato di Gestione che ALUCOAT ha realizzato, sono considerati come base di gestione a tutti i livelli dell’ organizzazione, in tutte le attivita’ e decisioni e per questo si compromette a:
1.RISPETTARE i requisiti giuridici ed anche i requisiti dei clienti e parti interessate.
2.MIGLIORARE le prestazioni ed efficacia del sistema di gestione.
3.FORMARE E MOTIVARE il proprio personale favorendo la promozione interna, un ambiente lavorativo favorevole ed un lavoro di gruppo.
4.PROMUOVERE il funzionamento delle idee INNOVA.
5.PROMUOVERE passione, impegno, semplicità, agilità, flessibilità, leadership, attenzione al cliente, innovazione e miglioramento continuo a tutti i livelli dell’organizzazione
6.CONTROLLARE e RIDURRE il consumo delle risorse naturale.
7.PROMUOVERE l’utilizzo di tecnologie che minimizzino l’impatto ambientale.
8.GARANTIRE la disponibilita’ di informazioni e risorse per raggiungere gli obiettivi energetici.
9.SUPPORTARE l’acquisizione di prodotti e servizi energeticamente efficienti per migliorare le prestazioni energetiche.
10.FAVORIRE la comunicazione a tutti i livelli dell’organizzazione ed alle parti interessate che lo richiedano.
aluNID ® dispone dei certificati di qualita’ internazionali piu’ esigenti del mercato che rendono la qualita’ di questo prodotto unico nel mercato.
aluNID ® mette a disposizione di tutti gli interessati, l’informazione relativa alla propria situazione ambientale. Nel caso foste interessati a questo tipo di informazione, ci contatti mediante: info@alunid.com
The management of ALUCOAT-CONVERSIÓN, S.A., considers that the safety and health policy at work is one of the main pillars of the organization, being fundamental to the success of the company and the satisfaction of our customers and workers and express our permanent commitment with security and well-being of all ours employees.
Since they are its main active and the key of business development, Alucoat states that the labor conditions are the most suitable to our activity being made with the safiest environment.
From ALUCOAT-CONVERSIÓN, S.A., all current regulatory and legal requirements are met, being considered as a principial objective and necessary to all levels within our organization, in all their activities and decisions and assure the commitment of the following objectives and compromises:
1. The integrity of all the departments of the company, meaning to achieve the active participation of all the employees with the idea in which safety and health is responsability of all the people that compuse the company.
2. Valoration of human life as original value. The life, physical integrity and health of workers are rights whose protection must be a constant in the daily work of all of us who work at ALUCOAT-CONVERSIÓN, S.A. and especially those who, at one level or another, perform command functions.
3. The commitment to cumply or even overcome the legal and others requirements based on normatives or petitions of our customers.
4. We are open and clear in all the comunications are made, internally and externally.
5. All the staff of ALUCOAT-CONVERSIÓN, S.A. understands, promotes and assists the implementation of this policy and its principles. To this end, the company guarantees the training of each worker and appropriate leadership for their correct motivation and daily operation.
6. The staff of ALUCOAT-CONVERSIÓN, S.A. is aware that he is obliged to ensure both his own safety and health and even thirds parties and the example of their personal behavior is essential for the balance of safety for all in a sustainable environment.
7. Based on the principle that all the accidents, incidents and labor illnesses can and should be avoided, the company is committed to achieve a high safety and health level, not being limited uniquely to comply the current legal normative but carrying out actions that improve the level of protection of the employees marked by law if necessary.
This commitment will be expressed in a manifest form and it will be one of the esential points marked in the general policy of the company.
8. Operating side will asume and strengh the safety integration into the production process, stablishing by basic principal the best productivity will be achieved with the safiest, therefore it cannot be forget that the preservation of human and material resources it makes a fundamental element to reduce costs.
9. In order to promote safe conduct in the activities carried out, it will be provided to all employees all the information about their risks in their workstation as well as the necessary information about the means and measures to adopt for their correct prevention.
10. Likewise, it will be promoted the participation of all workers in all the topics related with risks prevention in their Workstation, because they are the ones who know the details of the tasks they perform in greater depth, and therefore are the most suitable to contribute ideas on the safest way to carry them out.
11. Commitment to keep the facilities in perfect conditions wit the aim to eliminate the danger and reduce the risk for safety and health at job and endow of personal protective equipment needed for their activity and the necessary equipment and tools. This aspect is the key to provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and ill health.
12. To achieve an eficient implantation of the occupational risk prevention policy in ALUCOAT-CONVERSIÓN, S.A., it will be assigned all the necessary resources and it will be planned in an adequate way the use of them.
13. Continuous improvement of the management system of safety and health at job.
14. Foment the consult and participation of all employees and the committee or the organization.
Finally, is a firm compromise of this company to integrate the prevention organizational structures with the aim to achieve the prevention is not foreign to our productive organization thus pretending, more than the mere fulfillment of certain requirements of a basically documentary nature. Assuming the above as a guarantee of survival and growth.