aluNID®, an example of circular economy and sustainability

aluNID® has been ever committed with the environment and circular economy.
Proof of this is that all the products that we produce in this business area are ecodesigned, that means, since the first approach and passing for the development and up to finish with life cycle, aluNID® respects your environment.
This is possible because, for the elaboration of some alloys aluNID® utilizes recycled aluminium instead or primary aluminium, that means a reduction in consumption of 95% compared to that used in the extraction of primary aluminium*. This reduction also has a clear environmental benefit and it is that by consuming much less energy, the emissions of greenhouse gases during the production process are also much more reduced.
The aluminium is a material infinite recyclable. It keeps 100% of its properties during recycling process and for this reason is possible to produce products maintaining the same quality.
Moreover, all the waste generated during the production are recycled and/or reused on a case-by-case basis. Therefore aluNID® is a clear example of integration of circular economy with our plant, from being a waste product to resource through the reuse of leftover materials. In that way, aluNID® shows its firm compromise with circular economy and environmental sustainability.
aluNID®, experts in the production of honeycomb core and environmentally conscious and care for the environment around us (SDG 13).
*Data from Alufoil, European Aluminium Association.